صحةُ الأطفال ونماؤُهم | الأخبار | 2006 | First national training course on counselling on infant and young child feeding held in Sudan, 22-28 December 2006

First national training course on counselling on infant and young child feeding held in Sudan, 22-28 December 2006

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infantfeeding_sudThe seven-day training course was held at the Omdurman military hospital in Khartoum, which has a high rate of deliveries allowing good exposure for practice, using the training package in Arabic which had been developed by the regional office. The aim of the course was to create a pool of facilitators to build national capacity, in addition to health providers working at health facilities. A total of 25 participants attended the course, including physicians and nutritionists. Seventeen hours (30%) of the 56-hour course were spent on clinical sessions to practise the counselling skills. Participant performance was followed up by a monitoring tool to measure progress and provide feedback accordingly.

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